
Arming Teachers

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Is There Support for Arming Teachers in Schools?
Alley M. Odell
Concord University

Arming Teachers in Schools “Armed police resource officers in schools are not new but the notion of arming teachers and principals and schools is new to most,” (Koonce, 2014, p.165). School shootings in a school have become a nationwide problem and heartache. For example, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Colorado, was national news and hurt the country. Not to mention it is a parent’s worst nightmare to send them off to school and not have their child come home that afternoon. Mass shooting are becoming more prominent not only throughout schools but in other places too. But it is such a debated topic because our culture is
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Also, to even protect all the students and faculty members in the school. If a teachers training includes gun safety and usage that would only increase the safety of the classroom. I do not think at all that this could bema negative thing. People who become educators are hired because their principal feels that they fit the qualifications necessary for teaching the students to the best of their ability. There are superintendents who gave gotten together and stated that “we’re seeing so many school employees saying they would attack.” Many and most teachers are all about having a gun on their person to protect themselves and their classroom as well as their students. For teachers at schools who are already armed in some school districts, there are regulations they have to follow concerning gun safety and dress code. The employees that are armed, which is a 32 member staff, went through mental-health screenings and trained for their concealed-weapons licenses together. The training will be ongoing until they leave that school. School safety consultants discuss how, “they could not base solely on the events of Dec. 14th, as they could not previously base gun training on what …show more content…

She was definitely the middle man, Ms. Sorenson. She is a 13-year teaching veteran, is among those who haven’t been involved in school shootings in Utah. She did not reveal if she held a gun at school or not but she stated, “One person’s choice is not the same choice for somebody else. Along with that choice, comes responsibility,” (Koonce, 2014, p. 169). Many feel that arming a teacher should be up to the School Resource Officers and police department officers. I feel that this is a good policy when it comes to arming teachers. As educators, they must ensure that they are capable enough to understand the responsibility that comes with holding a gun. Especially in a school with students of different ages. Kenneth S. Trump, President of National School Safety and Security Services, says that “While gun control and gun rights advocate for the schools sometimes it turns into a political debate.” School districts who arm the teachers are responsible and liable for anything that can happen related to the safety of the school because of the gun. Trump says that he supports the Second Amendment and concealed weapon laws. But this does not include educators carrying the weapon. Some concerns for having guns on campus are that teachers are not competent enough to handle the responsibility of having a gun attached to their hip throughout the school day and that the school board might lose control over

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