The movie “As Good As it Gets” follows a 60 year man named Melvin that works at home as a writer of one of the best selling books. Melvin suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder with also some symptoms of anxiety due to having a fear of germs. Everything morning Melvin goes to the same restaurant to have breakfast. Melvin must also sit at the same table every time and if other people are sitting there he will just be rude to them by making insults to them so they can sit somewhere else. Melvin must also be waited on by the same waitress who's name is Carol and due to him having a fear of germs he brings his own plastic utensils. When Melvin is not able to follow these rituals he is often seen as very angry or upset and it can be hard for him to calm down and get back to his normal routine but has problems with adjustments in his rituals due to the obsessive …show more content…
The measure that wasted was a self report scale and the respondents which were college students could report there motivation , how they prepare for the worst by using avoidance or prevention of different negative outcomes which is the reason for their worry (Borkovec & Roemer