Summary and Comment: The article introduce the competitive forces shape strategy. Generally, it explains about the 5 forces, which affect to a new firm or existing firm of any business sector. Mr. Porter, who is a specialist in industrial economics and business strategy, wrote the analysis form. This is one of the reliable sources, because it is one of the Harvard Business review Magazine.
* Ellie (August 2011) 5 Retail Forces | Blog Retail Assist. 2012. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2012].
Summary and Comment: This note is a personal 5 retail forces analysis of supermarket retail in the UK of a person called, Ellie. The note just mention the idea for each force, but they are not really detail. It did not give the example or explanation for the forces, which it gives. However, it helps to have some idea to write about in the Porter 5 forces analysis. The note was post on “”, so it is not really a source trustable.
* Mintel retail research (November 2011) Food Retailing - UK Executive Summary (Online) Available from: (Accessed 22 October