Save this document to your desktop.
Type the answers in the spaces and templates provided. You will need to plan for well-detailed and expansive responses.
Please ensure that you save your document regularly and save a final copy before submitting.
Upload your document in the upload section at the end of week 2.
Please upload this document as a word document and not PDF for marking and feedback purposes.
Students name
Monique Clason
Student Number
Is this your first submission?
Is this your resubmission?
Each assessment allows for three attempts, if a fourth is required, a discussion with the teacher will be organised
Submission details The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor and will be inserted into your Moodle calendar. Your teacher must approve any variations to this arrangement in writing.
Student Declaration (you must read and acknowledge this declaration by selecting a response below)
DECLARATION: The answers that I have submitted are my own work, completed in person by me. I understand the definition of the terms ‘collusion’ and ‘plagiarism’ and that penalties apply for either as stated in the Grenadi School of Business Policy available on my Moodle platform.
I have read and acknowledged the declaration above:
Performance objective
Students will demonstrate the ability to ensure delivery of quality service through handling customer complaints, monitoring team performance; intervening to develop team abilities to overcome difficulties in providing quality customer service.
Assessment description
Using the student workbook and the information provided below on the IBSA virtual business link:
“Australian Hardware”, you will be required to complete the tasks that follow in this Assessment.
Follow this link-
Develop a Customer Service Plan and Ensure the Delivery of Quality Customer Service