Chipotle has a lot of strengths when talking about their success within the company. Chipotle is well recognized in the U.S., U.K., and Canada with over 37,000 employees. One of Chipotle’s statements are “Food with integrity is our commitment to finding the very best ingredients raised with respect for the animals, environment, and the farmers.” Nowadays, people are moving towards eating organic foods and more healthy than normal. Chipotle is usually the busiest around lunch time because everyone loves to go there during their lunch breaks. Now, you have the option to order your food online and set a specific time for it to be ready. All you have to do is walk on in and give them your name and your food is ready for pick up. I love Chipotle because it fills me up and the food is freshly made. I don’t have to worry about anything being thrown in the microwave or oven. The food is made right in front of us. That is definitely a plus because we don’t have to worry about anything happening to our food behind closed doors and a lot of customers worry that cooks don’t wear gloves when cooking food. There is a phone app for iPhone users that makes it easier to order food with just a touch of one button. Another strength is that Chipotle is company owned, so there is no franchising involved. It’s better that way because the individuals that run all of the restaurants are more experienced.
I think that when it comes to their weaknesses is that some people may think that they’re overpriced. You