Task A Information leaflet
Create an information leaflet about person-centred care, aimed at individuals who use the service and their families.
The leaflet must include:
Ai A definition of person-centred values
Person centred values are treating people as individuals, supporting their choices, treating them with dignity and respect, working in partnership with people rather than trying to control them.
Aii An explanation of it is important for why social care workers to work in a way that promotes person centred values
It is important to acknowledge the needs and wishes of your service users, and ensure that these underpin the planning and delivery of care. Promoting continuity of care that values the service users unique past, present and future individuality and recognizing and respecting the person’s role and contribution to family and wider society. By doing this you are respecting the individual, and what they have to offer to others, and making the individual still feel ‘needed’ and ‘useful’.
Aiii A definition of the term “consent” in adult social care
Consent means informed agreement to an action or decision; the process of establishing consent will vary according to an individual’s assessed capacity to consent. The issue of consent is very complicated and needs to be considered very carefully. Some factors to consider are their mental conditions or mental capacity; physical condition like communication abilities; availability or lack of options; awareness of choices; age; participation and engagement.
Aiv An explanation of why social care workers must gain the consent of the individual when they are providing care or support
It is a legal requirement that protects the care worker from legal action and the individual has the right to be considered.
Av A description of how a social care worker might gain the consent of the individual
Social care workers can gain