Children of authoritarian parents experience psychological problems because of the type of parenting they receive. In this study, a correlation is made between the authoritarian parenting style and depression and addiction in children. To make this argument different parenting style and the impact they have on children will be presented. Parenting style can be associated with the psychological and behavioral outcomes of children. Parenting styles vary across the world according to different cultures. Dekovik and Janssens, 1992, describe two major parenting styles; authoritarian/restrictive and authoritative/democratic. These two parenting styles provide for …show more content…
For example, the way Hispanic parents rear their children is totally different from how Caucasian-Non-Hispanic parents do. Mexican descendent parents tend to have more authoritarian parenting, in comparison con Caucasian-Non-Hispanic parents. (Valera & Vernberg, 2004). Moreover, it is broadly known that parents have an important role in the childhood to the developing of the personality of a person. The way which children were rearing has a strong influence in the development their personalities. Furthermore, this child-rearing will affect their futures relationships. Children have parents who are attentive to their emotions, feelings, need of love, and need of affection, these children grow up feeling secure, beloved, independent, and they will have a positive attitude and a positive social interaction with other peers and their parents. (Gulley, Oppenheimer & Hankin,