[Main body word count 512]
Journal Location: http://mic.sgmjournals.org/content/158/2/353.full Microbiology 2012 February; 158(Pt 2): 353–367. doi: 10.1099/mic.0.053371-0
The purpose of this report is to describe a peer-reviewed journal article that has been identified from a primary literature source. I chose to perform a search through Pubmed based on the enzyme Catalase, reasoning that it should deepen my understanding of the enzyme allocated to my BABS1201 laboratory group. In the end, I was unable to find any primary literature sources that would help with the assignment but I did find an article that I thought would be appropriate. The journal article I chose is titled Serum albumin alters the expression of iron-controlled genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the peer-reviewed journal, Microbiology.
The over-arching field of study which the article falls under is Microbiology (there was a small clue in the title of the journal). Microbiology is the area of science concerned with the study of microorganisms, usually with a focus on diseases and infectious microbes. I found that there was some helpful information tags on the publishers’ webpage and noted that this article was classified under “cell and molecular biology of microbes”. After reading the article a few times I found that there were a number of sub-disciplines covered in the journal article, such as microorganism genetics, pathology. Genetics covers the organism’s ‘blue-prints’ and pathology is the study of disease.
The Microbiology journal has been published monthly by The Society for General Microbiology since 1947. It is an international, peer-reviewed journal with ten editors and 80 associate editors and publishes primary research and reviews. They offer a very quick turn-around with submitted papers being reviewed in approximately four-weeks and publication a week after acceptance which I think ensures relevancy and