When asked to babysit, make certain that you are prepared and fully attentive. Date the time and location of the event.Before departure, equip oneself with toys, board games, snacks, and movies. When given a specific time, arrive at least 10 minutes before hand. Arriving on time will expose your level of responsibility. Additionally, wear …show more content…
If the child becomes less participative resulting in tantrums and outburst, remain calm and patient. Keeping a calm and patient demeanor will lesson the situation. Also, look for other alternatives to refocus his/her attention.
From time to time, constantly check on the child. If him/her becomes hungry or thirsty, tend to their needs.Gravitate towards healthier cuisines and drinks, to avoid hyper behavior. Also, provide him/her with their daily medication, if recommended by parent or guardian
As activities began to die down, slowly began the bedtime routine. Spend time assisting the child with brushing their teeth and transitioning into pajamas. Then make them comfortable as possible, with either a bedtime story or a small snack. Set the atmosphere with dim lighting and little music. Finally, tuck the child into bed gently.While the child is asleep, quietly clean and wait for the arrival of the parent or guardian.
Overall babysitting is a demanding and a rewarding task. It revolves around the child’s needs and wants. Yet, both new skills are acquired and relationships occur. But, the process is easy to overcome when you rely on responsibility,maturity, and