He come up with this theory to prove if your beliefs are true and if they can be justified. Which your belief can be consider as knowledge. But how do you justify your beliefs? He came up with two internal contemporary theories of Justification. The first internal contemporary theory is the foundationalism theory. This theory is about having an idea and breaking it down into smaller beliefs that support the main believe. And those smaller believes have to be justified by smaller beliefs as well until you get to basic beliefs. This is like a pyramid but working from top to bottom and breaking the major idea into smaller ideas for them to be justified. For example, its like a belief you have lost weight. And you support your belief with smaller beliefs like your shirts fit bigger now, or you look skinnier to other people, or you haven’t been eating right lately. Then you support those beliefs again until you get to the most basic beliefs. The other theory is coherentism. Coherentism is about having a belief that are connected all together. Its like a family, a belief represents your sister, and the other beliefs that are connected to her are you, your mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, cousins, etc. But also, if you try to connect your …show more content…
He was a skeptic person who questioned whether anything can be known with certainty. He started thinking of all the things he believed when he was little and as he grow up, he realized they were all false. For example, Big Foot, Santa Claus, super heroes, characters that don’t exist. And he started thinking that everything he knew was false, so he disbelieved everything. He gives an example, were he had a basket full of apples. One of them was going bad, so he drops all the of the apples to the floor and starts to check one by one, so it the other apples don’t go mad. And he wants to do this with his believes, examine all his believes one by one to make sure he only knew true things. He began with empirical beliefs. Beliefs that come through our senses. An example of that is like when you see a friend from far distance and you start waving saying hi but when in reality it was a stranger. He gave this example of how our senses fail really often. He also did local doubts and global doubts, two other ways to doubt more things. At the end he came up with a theory that there could be an evil demon that could be making him think the wrong things. For example, he thinks that this evil demon is making him think that 2+2=4 when in reality it could equal 17. After all his doubting, he came to a conclusion where he realized the he was doubting ideas, so if he was doubting things then there must be a thinker. So he concluded