Bureaucratic organization has a hierarchical or pyramidal structure to help achieve the most rational and efficient operation at the lowest cost. It was then influenced by the thinking of Max Weber. A bureaucratic organization is one with rigid and tight procedures, policies, constraints, and the company reacts with stringent controls as well as a reluctance to adapt or change. Bureaucracies are very organized with a high degree of formality in the way it operates. Organizational charts exist for every department, and everyone understands who is in charge and what his responsibilities are for every situation. Decisions are made through an organized process, and a strict command and control structure is present at all times.
“Bureau" is the French word for "office." Bureaucracy means rule by offices. Bureaucracies are hierarchically organized, formal organizations based on a functional division of labour. Almost all very large organizations, both public and private, are bureaucratic.
There are 7 characteristics in a bureaucratic model. In a fixed division of labor, the jurisdictional has clear specific set of duties and rights that cannot be changed at the whim of the leader. Division of labour should minimize arbitrary assignments of duties found in more traditional structures. Secondly, Hierarchy of offices should be controlled and supervised by a higher ranking officer. Low rankings should also have the right to appeal decisions made higher in the hierarchy.
Thirdly, Bureaucracy is founded on rational-legal authority. The authority is the legality of formal rules and the right of those in the hierarchy to have authority and power of command. Fourth, there are rules that govern the performance and actions with stable, exhaustive and easily follow rules. Fifth, there is separation of personal and official property rights. Sixth, officials are recruited based on qualifications, are appointed not elected, to the office. Compensation
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