The behaviourist theory was founded by JB Watson in 1915. McGraw-Hill describes behaviourism as “the study of behaviour change. It is based on the assumption that behaviour change signifies that learning has taken place.” Ivan Pavlov highlighted the possibility of learning by association widely known as classical conditioning. This is when a stimulus results in a response and through repetition the event and reaction …show more content…
become associated. In 1974, Skinner researched into Operant conditioning. This is when behaviours are learned through reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is used to make us do that thing more and negative reinforcement strengthens us not to do it. The social learning theory researched by Bandura showed how we learn by modelling like someone else. (Cherry (a) 2012)
The research completed by Ivan Pavlov showed how classical conditioning can be seen in animals and humans.
He used his dog to easily show this. Before conditioning, Pavlov rang a bell and in response the dog did nothing but when Pavlov showed food the dog would salivate. So he then started conditioning the dog by ringing the bell then showing the dog food therefore the dog would salivate. After doing this multiple times the dog began to salivate just when the bell was rang as it had learned that the noise would mean he would be given food. Thus, proving the dog has learned through association because the bell became associated with food resulting in salivation. (McLeod (a) …show more content…
Skinners research into Operant conditioning showed how positive and negative reinforcement cause the things we learn. He created a box in which there was a lever which when pressed would release a pellet of food and also an electric grid as the flooring. So for this experiment he used a hungry rat. As the rat ran around the box, he accidently hit the lever and a pellet of food (positive reinforcement) was released or the electric current (negative reinforcement) would be stopped. He then learned to press the lever for what he wanted. Skinner then changed how it worked so pressing the lever would turn on the electric grid so the rat then did the opposite and learned not to press the lever or he would be shocked. This proved that positive and negative reinforcement would enforce the behaviour of the rat. (McLeod (b) 2007)
Phobias have been known to be overcome by behavioural therapies such as systematic desensitization.
At the beginning of this therapy, the client must be taught to relax to turn off fear and anxiety responses. The client must then use this to distinguish a hierarchy of fear which then they can gradually take steps to overcome the fears. (Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 2006)
The personality theory shows how personality is made up of different traits. These traits can then influence our behaviours in which the theorists Hans Eysenck and Raymond Catell completed some research into this. Hans Eysenck began by using two main dimensions; ‘The Dimensions of Personality’ and ‘The Scientific Study of Personality’. He achieved this by giving participants adjectives which identified the main traits.
The ‘dimensions of personality’ explained the dimensions of Extroversion – someone who likes attention and is outgoing- and Introversion – someone who is usually quiet and keeps to themselves often thinks a lot before doing anything. And also Neuroticism – the tendency to become depressed or have mental health problems- and Emotional Stability – being able to keep a head on their emotions. (Cherry
The ‘scientific study of personality’ then explained the dimension of Psychoticism, i.e. someone who may be antisocial, unfriendly and unsympathetic. From this Catell then could discover why someone acted how they did and use this to help them.
Raymond Cattell discovered the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaires by taking all the trait words in the English dictionary, removed colloquial language and uncommon traits and combining common traits. He then reduced then list of 171 to 16 by rating a large amount of individuals for these traits. This is widely used to identify client’s personalities.
In 1959, Friedman and Rosenman began research into personalities at risk to stress related illnesses. From this research they found Type A -who were likely to be competitive, aggressive and impatient- and Type B -who were relaxed and unambitious- They then carried out a long study with 3,200 participants in which they gave questionnaires and then separated the participants into the categories.
McLeod (2011) states that Many years later “257of the participants had developed coronary heart disease. By the end of the study 70% of the men who had developed coronary heart disease (CHD) were Type A personalities”. This is believed to be because Type A personalities are prone to stress which in return results in conditions such as coronary heart disease and high blood pressure.
The personality theory can be used to health care to identify clients prone to stress. They can then gain help in learning how to relieve themselves in stressful situations. From this they can then prevent stress related diseases. (Stress course, n.d)
In conclusion, I think both theories are very reliable as long as they are provable. I think the evidence for the personality theory could be enhanced as it does not include the fact the illnesses could be inherited or have other contributing factors. In health care, I believe these can be helpful for patients in all sorts of areas especially in preventing and helping patients with diseases and also in helping families cope.
Cherry, K (2012) Available from Accessed on 12/12/2012
McLeod, S. A. (2011). Type A Personality. Available from Accessed on 12/12/2012
McLeod, S. A. (a) (2007). Pavlov’s Dogs. Available from Accessed on 14/11/2012
McLeod, S. A. (b) (2007). B.F. Skinner | Operant Conditioning. Available from Accessed on 14/11/2012
Psychology in the context of Health and Social Care (n.d) Available from Accessed on 16/12/2012
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary (2006). Available from Accessed on 19/11/2012
Stress Course (n.d) Available from Accessed on 12/12/2012