Although many people think that it is unhealthy to play computer games, I believe that, in moderation, computer games can be beneficial in many ways such as in leisure and experience, learning, as well as improving our cognitive, logical, and managerial skills. First of all, video games can be considered as naturally alluring because of its aesthetic images and the realistic experiences that comes with it. As Poole said, video games, especially in these modern times, have very detailed audio-visual effects, usually presenting a simulated fantasy world that appears to be close to reality (qtd. in Mitchel and Savill-Smith 17). Truly, computer games improved visually and became more realistic these past few years. These "fantasy worlds" are commonly found in simulation games, which is very useful for learning because it allows players to experience things that might be impossible or too expensive (Mitchel and Savill-Smith 20). Because of this, video games can be liberating by allowing people to do things they cannot normally do.
These games are also usually integrated with stories, which, according to McLellan, "are one of the most fundamental and powerful synthetic experiences available to us (qtd in Mitchel and Savill-Smith 20).
Games also always have goals and