Also, because Clinton is a woman she proved that women are just as important as men. For this reason, it was more appropriate for Clinton to present the speech than a man. Credibility is hard to earn on even with these factors in consideration. If she did not show detailed logos, pathos, and ethos in her speech, then I feel she would have lost credibility really fast and it would be hard for her to bring up her beliefs ever again to the public. Especially these days, it is hard to keep credibility due to technology and precise records of everything if you are not consistent. Clinton may have had credibility in 1995, but the records clearly show that she likes to change her mind a …show more content…
“The foundation of dramatism is the concept of motive: the reasons why people do the things they do.” Each event contains: act, scene, agent, agency and purpose. “Burke believed that all of life was drama, and we may discover the motives of actors (people) by looking for their particular type of motivation in action and discourse.” I am going to analyze the Act (the speech), Scene (Where the speech took place, Beijing), Agent (Hillary Clinton), Agency (Techniques used in the speech) and the overall purpose of the act, and why it was