Erin MacNeil
SL Biology
Kathy DeGrasse
Halifax Grammar School
March 3rd, 2013
Section 1.1
Planning (a) * Introduction * Research Question * Hypothesis * Explanation of Hypothesis * Variables
In this lab, M&Ms and Smarties will be compared in five different ways: mass, shell solubility, volume, density, and nutrition facts. For each comparison 10 Smarties will be used and 10 M&Ms will be used. This is to ensure that the results are more accurate, as each piece of candy is not the same size, weight etc… A total of 50 M&Ms and 50 Smarties will be tested and an average will be taken to compare the two candies.
Research Question:
How do Smarties and M&Ms compare when examined in 5 areas: mass, shell solubility, volume, density, and nutrition facts?
Smarties will have a thicker shell (longer shell solubility time). M&Ms will have a greater mass, density, and volume. Smarties will have a higher sugar content and M&Ms will have a higher fat and carbohydrate content.
Explanation of Hypothesis:
The shell of a Smartie will take longer to dissolve than an M&M because upon observation, Smarties have a thicker shell then M&Ms do. Cutting the two candies in half and comparing the size can prove this. This would suggest that the shell of the Smartie would take longer to dissolve. Also Smarties’ nutrition facts would appear to be better because of the coloring and size of the candy. The colors of the Smarties are not very vibrant where the colors of M&Ms are very vibrant, which suggests artificial coloring in M&Ms. Smarties appear to be thinner than M&Ms which implies that one Smartie would have better nutrition facts than one M&M. M&Ms appear to be thicker than Smarties so it would be
Bibliography: (Pictures) M&M nutrition facts: http://www.quitehealthy.com/nutrition-facts/m-and-ms/191411.html Electric Caliper: http://premiummetrology.com/index.php?controller=product&path=22&product_id=9 Smartie Nutrition facts: http://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-and-nutrition-pictures/quiz-whats-your-halloween-candy-iq.aspx