This leads to not only a higher success rate in surgery but more patients choosing to perform surgery in the first place, which could be a life or death situation.(Parker-Pope) It is not unlikely that patients opt out of surgery. Another reason they might choose to opt out is because of the quality and experience of the surgeon. Some patients only trust well known and recommended surgeons to perform surgery on them, even if they are on the other side of the country. With biorobotics, surgeons can now perform surgery from their home state on any one around the world. In 2001, surgery was done successfully with the surgeon in New York and the patient in France. (Jacques Marescaux) Just like the surgery done by the robot, the patients felt a feeling of security knowing their procedure would be done by a well known surgeon. It even led to the patient having a speedy recovery and being released from the hospital in two days with no side effects. Another incident like this was …show more content…
With the United States being at war for more than half of it’s life time, with war comes injuries and casualties. The problem with human doctors on the battlefield is that they are just as vulnerable to attack as any soldier. By replacing these doctors with robots, these robots can get to work quickly and fear-free. They are not created with a sense of fear or anger, which makes them perfect for the job.(Cornelia Dean) The possibilities for the advancement of these robots are endless, maybe even replacing human soldiers once and for all. Another good thing about biorobotics is that robots can always be replaced, whereas humans cannot. In the aftermath of 9/11, many clean up crews became sick after being exposed to deadly fumes at ground zero. Many lives were spared though due to biorobotics. Robots were able to replace humans and autonomously find bodies and clean up rubble.(Daniel Ichbiah) In the future, robots can be ready at a moments notice, ready to assist no matter the