“ With robot control and assistance, surgery for any kind of injury or ailment is faster, more accurate, and less invasive than ever before”(Roger).Advances in technology that Artificial Intelligence has came up with has completely transformed procedures. As in example with a surgeon doing a an operation for several hours they become exhausted while a robot will not. Robots are assisting in urological, neurological, gynecological, cardiac, while under the supervision of a surgeon the robots execute the surgery while the surgeon inputs the programs. As in telesurgery is the use of a remote in surgery when the surgeon manipulates the robot's hand from a distance, the surgeons are involved, making these faster and reducing the risk. With robot assisting they have came up with more advanced technology as in hand gripping, thin flexible tools that will go through the body with incision. This technology has helped with the orthopedics surgery in knee surgery,” more than 400,000 people have knee-replacement surgery every year”(Roger). The advanced robotic orthopedic procedures require shorter incisions and are less painful. By having the robotic surgery it has decreased the recovery time having patients walking faster than they would having the normal knee-replacement surgery. In studies amongst scientists and engineers show that the robotic surgery are more accurate and tend to last longer than…