People who suffer from asthma have found relief from taking black seed oil. It has also been reported to help with intestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating and indigestion as well as maladies as diverse as heartburn, headaches, and muscle and stomach pain. It has been used topically to promote skin health generally and specifically to help alleviate eczema. Its skin health benefits are the main reason it …show more content…
is occasionally used in skin cream products. It can also be used to treat wounds and joint pain through topical application.
Black seed oil is composed of numerous chemicals some of which are not yet known.
The main health promoting properties of this oil are primarily attributed to the three main ingredients of thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone and thymol. Thymoquinone has been researched for decades and is known to have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thymohydroquinone is a chemical that helps prevent the breakdown of the important neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine. Thymol is what gives substances containing it medicinal properties in so far as fighting viruses.
This natural oil also contains many fatty acids, which undoubtedly add to its health promoting and healing properties. The highest concentrations of fatty acids in black seed oil includes linoleic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid. It also has linolenic, stearic and plamitoleic acids. Fatty acids are used by our bodies to create and rebuild cells. The oil is rich in many vitamins and minerals such as calcium, zinc, phosphorous and
Black seed oil is available in capsule form as an easy way for people to get its health benefits. It is also sold as an oil. In its pure oil form, it is a frequent ingredient used in the preparation of Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. It has a taste and smell similar to a combination of black pepper, oregano and onions and can make a flavorful addition to soups, curries and various meat and vegetable dishes. It is easily found on the internet or in health food stores and should be added as a spice or supplement by anyone who wants the incredible health effects of this powerful and ancient herbal remedy.