Do you know about the amazing health benefits of Emu oil? It’s almost magical indeed. Okay, just spend a few minutes with me here to know about it. Have you any idea of Emu? It is a pre historic bird and a native of the continent of Australia. It existed millions of years ago but it is still found today. For centuries the native Australians are using its oil to treat a large number of diseases and symptoms like coughs, bruises, cuts, sunburns, sores, fevers etc. The magical benefits of emu oil are also recognized by the modern doctors and scientists.
Emu Oil Benefits - Internal
The health benefits of emu oil include both internal and external benefits. Emu oil is non-toxic, hypo-allergenic. Its 65% to 75% component consists of Essential fatty acids like Omega-9, Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for good health. Our body cannot produce Essential Fatty acids. So we need it in our diet regularly. Omega-3 helps to decrease the level of cholesterol and good for heart. Modern researches proved that the supplement foods from Omega-3 prevent heart attack and stroke also. …show more content…
It is absorbed in skin without making it greasy, reduces the growth of bacteria and very effective in any kind of skin irritation. The moisturizing and skin care products of Emu oil smooth and condition rough elbows, soften cuticles, reduce itching and protect face from weather. Emu oil is also used as a pain reliever and to heal wound. It is very widely used in chronic arthritis, strains, muscle pain