After watching both of the …show more content…
Jenny Lee is an attractive woman, however; dealing with emotional abuse on how everything was wrong with her and eventually it took a toll on her emotionally to the point she believed it and constantly wanting to change her flaws and this is why she suffers from BDD. I also agree with Jenny Lee when she talks about how once it is stuck into your brain, it is really hard to overcome it and therefor you constantly examine yourself and want to change the …show more content…
In the case of Jenny Lee, it was the emotionally abuse of being told that she had flaws that appeared to make her ugly or even unattractive and how she was affected deeply by it and that is why she wanted to change her whole look by doing plastic surgery to fix those minor imperfections. When it came to the Steve Erhardt’s video it says that he got famous for all this plastic surgery change that he did to his body. Perhaps, like Jenny Lee he was also picked on for the way he looks and how it affected him emotionally and this is why he wanted to changed how he looked because of the minor flaws and imperfections he did not like because he was picked on for it. Both Steve Erhardt’s and Jenny Lee are attractive type of individuals and both appear to have some inside struggles that they are dealing with and I believe that plastic surgery is not the key that will help them because in the end they will most likely find something else that they don’t like or something else someone picks on them for and they will turn to the route to pay extreme amount of money to change it. In my opinion, long term counseling could have a positive effect in their lives to help them realize their inside struggles and how to overcome them in a positive manner. Also, on how to learn to love themselves in the