The television commercials in India have continued to have a huge variety inthem. They were funny, witty, emotional, inspirational, with good music and sound and someeven managed to strike a chord in everyones hearts. Many lasted for a longer period,somecame and went quickly, and some didnt even last even for a couple of weeks. TelevisionCommercials(TVC) are perhaps one of the best tools for creating awareness amongst thepeople. This paper is there to explain few factors which make a TVC successful and create themuch needed awareness for the brand.Following are a few points which are essential to be included in the TVCs and whatshould be avoided as well as which concept should be used in which situation and in whichbrand.
The Ingredients:
Following are the ingredients which are used in most of the commercials,someare a blend of more than 1 of the following:-
Brand Ambassador
Concept Linkage
Conveying the USP
Music/Voice/Sound effects
Humor and Wits
Emotions and Relations
Inspiration and Attitude
Rivalry Campaign
Special Cases
Liquor & Cigarette Commercials
Research Paper
How to Improve Brand Recognition in Television Commercials
1) Brand Ambassador:-
One of the major ingredients for a TVC is a brand ambassador or a mascot. The brand ambassador should be such a person who should be able to represent the brand properly. For a teenage product, the ambassador should be a teen icon. The ambassadors are a symbol which make the audience connect themselves to them. The ambassadors are different for different brands.
Examples are Genelia Dsouza and Virat Kohli for Fastrack, Amitabh Bacchan for Cadbury, Sachin Tendulkar for Adidas.
2) Concept Linkage:-
Concept Linkage is how to link a particular concept to a particular product. This is how to give a product the characteristics and linking it with the concept. Remember the “Tata Tea Jaago Re”