Britt tells about neat people and sloppy people are not so similar such as cleanness to messiest clutters. Also to understand how neat people and sloppy people have tenacity of their challenges For example; the sloppiness people are colleting junk and having different actives such as not finishing their creativities. Then the neat people are orderly and a tenacity to have a cleaning condition.
Britt point of view of sloppy people is not sloppiness and explains how sloppy people can be loved on their details and areas of activities or work. Britt also says that sloppy people can have piles of books, newspaper, and etc. in their home and work. Then Britt explains how sloppy people could manage been with their clutter
of stuff. Sloppy people have different behaviors such as been sentimental, thoughtless, and careless and luckiness from with work or their homes. For example, had piles of stuff such as unfinished scrapbooks, piles of books from magazines, and etc.
Britt explains how neat people cannot stand to much clutter in their homes. For example, Britt says about neat people motivation to cleanness by not having a lot of clutter. Also neat people throw their children from their house because neat people believe is too much clutter in their homes and do not care so much of throwing their stuff in the trashcan. Britt says neat people are not good to borrow stuff even they do sell their stuff to clean their homes. Therefore neat people are very clean on appearance also very organizing people and well planned in a neat way. For example, neat people cannot stand other people arrange their neatness way also they have a siren habit to be disposed of their orderly planned.
Therefore, Britt gives good examples of neat people and sloppy people in a well-plan way of been careless of their clutter and have very organizing appearance. Then sloppy people and neat people have a pleasure to be unique on their own way or compare neat and sloppy people behaviors that so much different.