Unit Number and Title
BTEC Level 3
National Diploma in IT (Applied)
Unit 18 - Assignment 2
Database Design
Learner Name
Assessor Name
Date Issued
Hand in Deadline
Submitted On
25th November 2014
27th January 2015
Learning Outcomes
LO2 - Be able to design, create and populate a relational database
LO3 - Be able to test a relational database.
Assignment Title
Design, create, populate and test a relational database
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.
Criteria reference
To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to:
Task No.
Create and populate a database …show more content…
A consistent of style must be used in order to create a professional image to allow users to interact with the system.
Your implementation must include at least three features for ensuring data validity.
Demonstrate and explain your forms to your tutor who will provide a witness statement confirming your success.
This Provides evidence for [P4]
Perform three different types of queries using multiple tables and multiple criteria to search and sort data that are required from the output requirements (see task 2 in the Systems Analysis and Design assignment).
Demonstrate and explain your queries to your tutor who will provide a witness statement confirming your success.
This Provides evidence for [P5]
Export the results of a query to another application.
This Provides evidence for [M3]
Design and implement all the reports that have been outlined in the requirements taking care to ensure consistency in line with your form designs.
Create a “Main Menu” form as detailed in the requirements and implement at least one advanced