This TMA 3 incident report will show a brief explanation of how the material I read in connection to my first Work base learning using A Fairweather 2006 7 simple steps to planning your days learning objectives and the four concepts of Kolb’s learning cycle (1994), in how I can plan and control my daily time management issues to save time by 20%. (Word count 63)
Time Management
Incident Report
When reflecting over the past few day reading and learning reflectively from the materials, Books from BU130, Internet website and how I would try to apply my report using Kolbs (1984) theory of frameworks and the methods by A Fairweather (2006), and using Time management, (BU130) online books as a second opinion. cited and accessed 03/02/2014 -19.29pm..
Who -. xxxxxxxx – My dad, xxxxxx – My sister xxxxx - Consultant, Dr Amadahi, all took part in meeting about the future discharge
What – We had a meeting to talk about the future work load
Where – Llwnypia hospital Mid Glamorgan
When - The meeting took place on 31st January 2014 at 12:00pm noon and lasted until approximately 13.00pm.
Ok, so that was the easy part of the 'cycle ' now the hard bit.....why & how
Why - The basic idea of this meeting was to evaluate my father condition and to discuss what step are like to be taken once he as been discharged and the future care he is like to need. During the meeting suggested we should take all the help that is offered and to openly discuss new ideas between ourselves, make our own decisions, but reflect on what was said and to start and make plans in the next few weeks about rearranging the house.
How – The advance planning and preparing of my dad home, has well as introduction the new time management strategy – Day planner – To do list – dump it list and delegating between us and sticking to the four methods I chose of Fairweather (2006), Time Management methods (BU130). These reading materials have proven to be very
Cited: Adair and Allen (1999) planning and changing of exercises.