Bureaucracy is all about the rules and regulations to manage a particular activity in the organization. This paper is about how bureaucracy used in old organizations and how it affected the processes of new organizations. It explains how bureaucracy is not applicable in today’s business environment because of many facts. As years went through there was a drastic change in the operations of the organisation. The concern moved from organization to customer service, so the bureaucratic organizations changed their strategy from bureaucracy to customer service, this include government organizations also. Different authors thought about issue the issue different and this is explained in a very lucid language in this paper.
In the 18th century, officials of the French government demoted bureaucracy as desk cloth cover. Bureau means the official body which is engaged in the office which is public. This body uses the required implemental material and files. The term bureaucracy derived from the word bureau. (Reinhard Bendix,1968)
According to Blau(1965), bureaucracy is defined as “The type of organization designed to accomplish large scale administrative tasks by systematically coordinating the work of many individuals.” However, Weber(1958) defined bureaucracy in a very scientific and systematic way. This means that technology became an important reason for the growth of organizations where bureaucracy is used. In the strict bureaucratic organization, the monocratic points raised are as follows:
❖ Strict subordination
❖ File knowledge
❖ Certainty
❖ Reduction of friction, material & costs.
Weber put forward the ideal concept for bureaucracy. He says that bureaucracy is characterised by the hierarchy of labours which is followed by precise rules and regulations. These rules are applied by business professionals who work part time or fulltime in an organization and who even do not understand what