Product Development Manager
Microsoft Limited
1 Microsoft Way,
Redmond WA 6327, Australia
August 26th, 2013
Johnathan Knox
Chief Executive Officer
Microsoft Limited
1 Microsoft Way,
Redmond WA 6327, Australia
Dear Mr Knox,
As requested, please find enclosed the report identifying opportunities in the 16-36 year old male gamers market for expanding our Xbox product line. The purpose of this report is to first present emerging trends in the electronic gaming platform category before identifying opportunities to extend the Xbox line.
The findings from our research indicate that, at times, portable gaming devices are in high demand due to their portability. On closer inspection it was found that devices that had multitasking abilities were also in high demand. Another emerging trend identified was the increase in female gamers and their influence on the gaming industry.
Our report explores these three trends before making recommendations on how Microsoft can extend the Xbox range to capitalize on these growing segments whilst utilizing current resources with the ultimate goal of maximizing profits and changing the face of gaming platforms as we know it.
Warm Regards,
Mitchell Wakeham
Product Development Manager – Microsoft Limited
Course Name: Knowledge Management and Product Innovation
Course Code: 7009IBA
Lecturer: Mike Thomes
Due Date: August 26, 2013
“They say predictions about how technology will evolve in the future have always been inaccurate because we can never really predict how we may deviate from the intended use of the original creation. That said, it is still delightful to know that the gaming industry is heading towards uncharted territory, always exploring and pushing the limit.”
Michael Poh (2013).
Executive Summary