Many students when first attending classes at BHCC are unaware that a cafeteria even exists on the school’s campus. Usually they will notice it half way through or ending their first semester and some even in their following semester. Students notice when hearing a bad conversation or stories from other students who experienced the horrible service at the cafeteria. BHCC should have instructors bring up in discussion the cafeteria in the school’s orientations and start smart sessions. The school’s cafeteria managers can provide a lunch menu to give out to first time and current students attending BHCC at the beginning of every school semesters. They should also have displays around the school giving good detail of the cafeteria location and hours of operation.
One student particularly in her second semester of freshman year at BHCC, Tiesha Cabral , when interviewed points out that the school cafeteria is in need of more comfortable seating and bigger television screens around the eating area. “To attract and entertain students on their free time in school,” she added. In which that could be true in most cases. By adding or upgrading the entertainment at the school cafeteria students would be more fascinated. Meaning that more students wouldn’t just go up to the school cafeteria for food but for entertainment purposes as well. Especially when the student lounge areas around the school aren’t all that great for entertainment anyways.
Jordan Zeinert, a sophomore student at BHCC, argues that their