Camel cigarettes logo is a camel. In the ad there is a dark/light blue background. There are 3 boxes with a different picture and meaningful word over them. In the first box there is a match being lit with …show more content…
I think Camel’s ad was more about how successful and original their company is, and Newports ad was more about being fun and cool. They both use different colors, fonts, and words that appeal to the emotions/eye. Both ads are very descriptive and use good words to boost their consumers. These ads were in Essence magazine is a monthly which is predominantly for Black women that covers; fashion, lifestyle, beauty, entertainment,etc,. I think it is very misleading on how the cigarette ads give you the surgeon general’s warning but not also on the different ingredients/poisons,drugs in their product. The warnings tell you what they do but not what makes them do it. I think cigarette companies take advantage of consumers because they know cigarettes are addicting to the people that smoke them, and they depend on those bad things that are harming people to bring them