Definitions of roles, responsibilities and positionsThe establishment of roles, assigned responsibilities and individual positions within a group are central to the framework of an organization or unit. These roles, responsibilities and positions assigned throughout a group will influence individual expectations and help …show more content…
The five developmental stages of forming, storming, and norming, performing and adjourning are not at all present here (Greer, TUI MGT 501, 2006). The group has never formed or gotten to know each other. In regards to storming, the predominant conflict is through exclusion and lack of communication. There is not much positive energy that can be brought out of that situation and as no one actively manages this new management team, it is of little importance. There has been no norming in the group as the true form of conflict inherent in their interaction is through lack of communication. The group has not developed and there have never been standards established through their interaction and conflict resolution. As a result of this failure to integrate, this newly formed management team is not performing well, if at all, and they may skip the first four stages of developmental growth and move directly to