We all have heard the word cardio but do we know what cardio is exactly? Every person on this planet knows that to lose weight it helps to include a cardio workout in addition to following a healthy weight plan, but exactly what are the advantages and positive outcomes from cardio and what are the best cardio workouts?
The first thing you should know about cardio is that is an exercise that raise your heart rate to a certain level for a certain period of time. A cardio workout is good for your heart. The heart is a muscle and like any other muscle, benefits and improves through exercise and training. In a cardio workout, your activity level increases your heart rate. A cardio workout is like an aerobic exercise when it also advances your breathing and oxygen absorption. If you are new to cardio workouts, let your own body be your guide to the right cardio workout level for you. …show more content…
We all know that one of the most important aspects of the weight loss goals is a constant cardio routine. There are tons of cardio workouts out there, but what are the most effective? Any activity that keeps you moving as a sustained level of exertion can be a cardio workout: walking, running, joking, hiking, mountain biking, dancing are only a few of many. To start any cardio workout program, pick any kind of activity you like and do it at a level just past your comfort zone until you are tired but not