In the process of answering the question `Who Am I`, I learned new things about myself I never knew. I learned how much I truly loved my family and friends and I learned things that may have seemed important 4 weeks ago are not as important as I thought. Although I haven`t found out I am really, at least I know more about myself than I did 4 weeks ago.
The surveys helped me figure out the things I valued in life the most. They helped me figure out that I valued people more than objects; although I already knew that, I got a clearer picture about it. The surveys also helped me in figuring out what job would benefit my skills that most.
On the career cruising site, I learned that I am a 40% auditory learner, 35% visual learner and a 20% tactile learner. That mean I learn best from classroom discussions, teaching lectures and when information is presented in written form or visually through diagrams or pictures. This is new information I never knew about myself. I think the website is very useful in helping me chose my future career.
On myBlueprint, I learned one of my Occupational Interest Areas is Recreation/Leisure. That involves working in the service area (firefighter, author). I was surprised by the results as I have never thought of those types of jobs. myBlueprint helped me figure out my short term and long term goals. It was helpful to know where I want to be in a month or in a year instead of just guessing.
Although I already knew some of the results I received, I was fairly surprised by others. For example, I considered going into business and I was surprised when “Discovery” on myBlueprint put that as my first option. The results fit into the plan I had for my future and into my qualities, so I was happy about that.
Watching the last lecture helped me to put things into perspective. It taught me that life is short, who never know when your time will be up so live life to the fullest. Love more, laugh more and just enjoy life. Love your life and appreciate your family and friends because there are people who wish they have what you have. There will always be obstacles in your life and you have to believe in yourself that you can do it.
This process helped me confirm my curiosity of being an accountant. Being an accountant, I would be serving others, which I want to do in my career and it would involve business and math, which I enjoy. My next steps in determining who I am are to keep trying new things and going after what I want. The sky is the limit.
“The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.”
― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture