Client was a 65-year-old male in the hospital due to a complication from a colon polyp removal that caused him to have a excess amount of bleeding. The patient presented in the ED with signs of hypervolemia: low blood pressure, high HR, pale, and loss of consciousness (Lewis, S., Heitkemper, M., & Dirksen, S., 2014) He was immediately started on fluids and scheduled for surgery to repair the bleed in his colon. After becoming stable post surgery, the patient was brought up the medical surgical unit for continued surveillance until he was stable to return home.
Prior to discharge, the patient was asked if he would like to receive the flu shot, as well as the pneumococcal vaccine. The pneumococcal vaccine is recommended …show more content…
The student and the patient spoke about the patients learning styles, what he wanted to get from the teaching, and how the nurse could best accommodate his teaching needs. The SMART goal developed between the patient and the student nurse was, the patient will verbalize his understanding of what a pneumococcal vaccine was and the importance of getting one by the time the teaching was over and prior to receiving the …show more content…
After the patient verbalized clear, precise knowledge about the pneumococcal vaccine that was equal to the information sheet, the patient was asked to read and sign a waiver that stated that he received education about the vaccine and that he understood the importance and any side effects that could happen from the vaccine. By having the patient sign the waiver, it reassured the student nurse that the patient understood the material and that he was ready to get his vaccine. This approach worked nicely for this patient and it ultimately led him to achieving his SMART goal to verbalize and understand the importance of the vaccine by the time the teaching session was over. The needs were met by the client and if he had any other concerns or questions for after discharge related to the pneumococcal vaccine, he was able to take a copy of the information sheet with him that had a phone number to call if he had more