Agenda Item 3.2
Corporate Policy and Performance 21 January 2010 Gordon McIntosh Catering Services Review EPI/10/027
PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of the report to provide the Committee with: (i) A briefing on the outcomes of the best value review of Catering Services that was carried out on following instruction in March 2009. Detail of the recommendations made following the consultancy work undertaken as part of the review by the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE).
RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended that the Corporate Policy and Performance Committee: (i) Note that based on the evidence gathered as part of the review process there are no commercial or other grounds to justify any early consideration of out-sourcing these services. Agree that the detailed use of information gathered for and by the review to develop clear strategies and service improvement plans, would represent a more effective use of available council resources at this time. Instruct officer to develop a comprehensive action plan dealing with the organisational and strategic issues from the recommendation and to report back to this Committee in two cycles time.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Further areas for potential saving are being identified by catering services. These include the potential to make use of spare capacity within pupil transport vehicles to deliver meals to schools which do not have cooking kitchens on site, rather than use taxi delivery. Also staffing levels are being checked to ensure that there is not an over allocation of staff hours within school kitchens if either uptakes of meals or the school role is reducing.
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SERVICE & COMMUNITY IMPACT The review of catering services provided within Aberdeen City Council premises has demonstrated significant links to the health issues within the Aberdeen City Profile in the Single Outcome Agreement