Sonia Meirelles is a 27-year old Brazilian student, in the Intermediate English class, who has been studying English for 13 months (since August, 2011). Sonia has a degree in Biology and used to work as a biology teacher in a regular school, however she is currently unemployed. She then decided to start taking English lessons, so she could have more chances when trying to find a job.
She enjoys the English classes as she believes it is not only about learning a language but also about learning a different culture.
After observing the student and applying questionnaires, I could determine Sonia has high visual and interpersonal intelligence.
During classes, Sonia benefits a lot from reading, and can easily understand meaning from context while reading rather than listening.
She takes notes of most of the things mentioned and highlights what she considers to be more important. She learns best by reading, writing, visualizing and listening and repeating the language. As she wrote in one of her compositions: “I’m very happy when I write and I just wrote a text with almost all new words.”
She feels more comfortable when asked to work in pairs rather than talking to the teacher.
She strongly believes she needs to improve her listening skills and pronunciation, which would make her feel more confident when speaking as she knows she still carries a strong Portuguese accent.
I also noticed that Sonia struggles with fluency, making long pauses during utterances. However, she can still communicate clearly and make good use of the language presented in the lessons. We can therefore consider her accuracy level as really good for an Intermediate Level student.
Sonia is a very self-motivated student; teachers can feel she is easily engaged to activities as well as being the only Student in the group who has done all homework assigned during the lessons, exceeding teachers expectations by delivering