
Chapter 1: A Fictional Narrative

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“The moon twinkles, and dances, and spins on its axis...” sung Winter. Jacin stays silent, sitting on the soft cushion, reading a book. “You suppose to finish the lyric.” Winter said as she pulled the book away from him. He snatches the book back. “I'm reading about human anatomy. Stop bothering me,” he said as he continued his reading. Winter huffed and crossed her arms. “Sing with me.” “No.” “Why?” “Boys don't sing.” Winter's eyes went wide. “Yes they do! Stop trying to be Mr. Bad Boy and sing with me!” “I don't think bad boys would read human anatomy,” he plainly said as he flipped to the next page. Winter thought of an idea to get him to sing. “What is the name of the bones in our fingers?” Jacin looked up, surprised. “Phalanges.” …show more content…

“I'm going to scream in five seconds. Good luck.” She jolted up from him and stood up. Jacin's eyes went wide, knowing that Winter's scream could break at least one thousand glasses at once. He quickly stood up. “Winter, please—“ “Five,” she whispered as she held up five fingers. Jacin froze. “Four.” She took away one finger. Jacin gulped. “Three...” She took another finger away. Jacin tried to think of a lyric to end the song. “Two...” She slowly took the next finger away. Jacin struggled to think of a decent song lyric. “One...” She took the last finger away. Crap, this was this end. Winter opened her mouth widely, took in a deep breath and was about to scream. Jacin jumped at her and clamped her mouth shut with his hand, stifling her scream. “Bend bend bend, flex flex flex, twist twist twist, crack crack crack. It's recommended you don't crack the cartilage in your hands, 'cause it'll be hard to bend bend bend, flex flex flex, flex your phalanges in your hands.” Jacin let out a deep breath, red trickling up his neck and cheeks. He felt Winter move her lips to smile under her hand. Then he felt something wet on his palm. He quickly retracted his hand, wiping Winter's spit on her light green …show more content…

That was fantastic! We should start a band!” she said as she hugged him. “And I'm never going to sing again, if I have to go through all of this,' he said as he left Winter and picked up his book. “Your voice is beautiful. And you thought of those lyrics in five seconds? Awesome! You beat my record by ten seconds.” “We will not tell anyone. Promise?” Someone knocked on Winter's door. Winter ran to the door and opened it. It was Jacin's father. “Well, that's my cue. Bye Winter.” “Sir! Jacin sang! He should sing for a living,” Winter said as she laughed uncontrollably. Jacin glared at her and dragged a hand over his face. Jacin's father looked at him seriously, then started laughing too. “Winter, you're going to kill me.” “Sing again son! Let's hear it!,” his father said as he put an arm around Winter and Jacin's shoulders. “I'm leaving,” Jacin said as he quickly walked out the room. Jacin's father and Winter calmed down after he left, contemplating whether they should go after him or not. They looked at each other, then broke into hysterical laughter

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