Lee Say Hong
Help University
I. Introduction
A. Opener: Child prostitution means a form of child sexual abuse involving the commercial sexual exploitation of children in which a child performs the services of prostitution, for financial benefit.
B. Thesis Statement: This essay showing about the causes and effects of child prostitution.
II. There is some causes that mainly cause child prostitution to occur. A. Misery and poverty is the main cause of child prostitution. B. Poor education in some countries also a cause of child prostitution. C. Deception also encourages prostitution.
III. There is also some effects that cause by the child prostitution. A. Children that involved in prostitution have impact in mental and physical development
B. Children that are prostitutes will have very high chances to get HIV/AIDS infection.
C. Many children do not have chances for education.
IV. Conclusion Children are not a toy for men, they are also human being. So, we need to stop child prostitution as fast as possible to avoid more children are getting in.
The Causes and Effects of Child Prostitution Prostitution means a prostitute offering sexual intercourse for financial rewards or others remuneration from the man that she provide her service for (Farr, 2004). Prostitution is the oldest job in the world, but for child prostitution, it likely started with a line when child abuse had began (Johnson, 1992). What is child prostitution? Child prostitution means the use of a child in sexual abuse involved the commercial sexual exploitation of children in which a child performs the sexual intercourse service for a man and they getting remunerate in a form of financial benefit, drugs, foods, housing, and clothes or some kind that intangible such as approval and care after the services are done (Campagna, 1987). Child prostitution is