In September of 1992, a young man named Chris McCandless was found dead in Fairbanks Alaska by six hunters and hikers. He began his journey the summer after he graduated from college; he had changed his name to Alexander Supertramp. Krakauer had written this story out of chronological order. Chris had planned to go to Alaska while still in college. His journey began when he graduated from Emory University in May of 1990 in Atlanta Georgia. In July of 1990, he abandoned his beloved car for several reasons announced in the book. Throughout the book, McCandless has many near death experiences. He also, meets many people who grow attached to him however; as soon as they do he cuts them loose. The book, teaches a few life lessons while explaining…
In the book Into the Wild it explains a true story that had changed the the lives of many. A young man who all he wanted was to escape society and get away from the world. His life did end shortly after his disappearance. But that does not mean he did not live his life to the fullest. Jon Krakauer the author of the book Into the Wild describes Chris McCandless faults and traits. Chris is an intelligent guy but he finds a new meaning for life and wants to go discover it. He didn't have any contact with his parents but was contacting his sister carrie. Krakauer does a tremendous job of interviewing everyone who had anything to do with McCandless from his parents, when he grew up, to the people who found his body in the abandoned bus in Alaska.…
I agree with the author that Chris McCandless wasn’t a crazy person and he was seeking happiness for himself in the wild. There are many things that show that he wasn’t crazy, like getting along with people, having some knowledge of living in the wild, and he was very bright and made some good decisions. However, he did seem somewhat incompetent.…
Chris McCandless home life didn’t seem bad at first, but you have to dig deeper than the surface to see what the problem was. McCandless family was a wealthy family, he also had both his parents and his sister that he loved, that was the surface the problem was that McCandless father had another family. In McCandless eyes he saw it as cheating on his mom and family because he was taking care of another family. McCandless childhood was good…
After he came up dead and his story popped up in the newspaper many people gave their opinion on his decisions. One of the harshest of them said, “amounts of disrespect to the land… just another case of underprepared, over confident men bumbling around out there and screwing up because they lacked the requisite humility” (51). Most of these came from Alaskans who know how harsh the land could be but John Krakauer the author of the book Into The Wild believed otherwise. McCandless wasn’t crazy for what he did, he was just unfamiliar with the area but if he was crazy he wouldn’t have lasted in the wilderness as long as he did. (59)…
Chris’s journey was necessary because he needed to go out on his own, get away from society, and also get away from his parents. Furthermore, Chris was very passionate about what he wanted to do and was not going to give up until he had done…
McCandless the main character “Into The Wild” is a reckless and selfish human being. In the novel it states that “his family had no idea where he was or what had become of him until his remains turned up in Alaska.” He made his parents suffer not knowing where their son was at. Chris McCandless actions was clearly a sign of stupidity almost suicidal. He had chances to survive and turn this around. His first mistake…
In the book, Into The Wild, by Jon Krakauer, he elaborates Chris’s trip. Krakauer meets with the people that Chris met along his trip. Krakauer does several interviews to understand McCandless’s trip. He also followed McCandless’s journey, by going where Chris went and meeting the people he met. Throughout Krakauer’s book, he writes that there are different reason why McCandless went into the…
been a part of society. Chris was the type of person who did not like how greedy and…
Also many people argued that McCandless was suffering from a mental illness probably like depression, however, there has been no evidence given that Chris was actually suffering from this. A third thing is that there is no doubt that Chris McCandless did not have a bound with his parents, he did not spend a lot of time with them, but have people considered the fact that Chris did not want to become like his parents, the type that have to work all the time and the type that do not have time to do anything else but…
The book “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer talks about an adventurous young man that travels into the Alaskan wilderness pursuing the right lifestyle for himself. Chris McCandless was a modern day nomad from the 20th century looking for a way to live a free life. Chris found out that his father never divorced his first wife causing an impact on his life that helps with his decision to live a nomadic life. Chris is very intelligent young man but at the same time an arrogant one too who has taken on a path to travel to the Alaska and live the free life that he desires.…
I think McCandless died in a senseless way because he didn’t have any idea that he would die in the Denali National Park. He thought he was well prepared because he had lived off land for quite some time now in his life and thought he had all the materials needed. He was an intelligent young man and it was always his dream to live off the land in the Denali National Park. He thought he could lie with the few supplies he had, but turns out he couldn’t, and didn’t.…
Although some may believe that Chris McCandless went into the wild because of inspiration, I think that his primary reason was due to his family issues and emotional damage. I feel as if he was trying to run away and leave his past life. I can agree with others beliefs that he was inspired because he did read many things and was very influenced by some writings. However, the apparent problems he had with his family caused this issue because he showed many times before that he didn’t like his home life. Others even saw that he was unhappy with his parents and he wanted to leave and live what he thought to be a more peaceful life. Not only was just his parents divorce talks, his arguments with his father, and his distance he felt from his mom and dad a huge problem for him, he also was emotionally damaged by other…
In Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandless is a fool because he spent all his time trying to figure out who he was, but was too naive to see that it was right in front of him. Chris McCandless goal was to go to Alaska and didn’t realize that he was becoming a fool because he was to focused on his goal and not what was in front of him. Along the way, the people that he met showed him what he truly was. When McCandless finally realized what he was looking for, it was too late. McCandless realized that happiness is better shared with someone else during his last days, “‘HAPPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED,’” (Krakauer 189). He realized that spending time with the people that he met along his journey was better than spending in alone. He was…
In the beginning, McCandless knew he was ready to just get up and start a new journey. He kept to himself about his adventure to Alaska and did not want anyone to know where, when or why he was leaving. Chris knew he had all of the materials he needed, until it came to a plot twist when he had burned all of his money and abandoned his car anyways. Gallien, a friend of Chris, even said “There was just no talking the guy out of it… he was determined.” Other people saw determination in him as well.…