McCandless would show many talents during his school years and his goals in life, but when he found out about the family that his father previously had it would break him. If he were to not find out about this family I do believe that his goals in life would still be on track. At this time he was probably confused of what he or his mother did wrong and was not sure of how to ask his parents so he kept quiet for a while.
His sudden disappearance from his family was unusual for him because of the things he wanted to do in life. Many people would take different approaches like talking to a …show more content…
close friend or seeking for professional help for his situation. His reactions were unusual; but however, we must take into consideration that many of us choose to deal with our personal problems differently and that does not make us inconsiderate. We are confused during these times and many of our choices are not controllable at this time. During his travel he would meet new people and would open up to them about the reasons of why he left his home and did not take anything.
This would be a suggestion that he did want to talk about it with people but was unsure of how to so he opened up to complete strangers. Although he left the people he met suddenly he still kept in contact because maybe deep inside he did not want to leave the people who listened to him and took him in or helped him gone.
While his journey around the United States and Canada, I do believe that McCandless was able to find what he was looking for because he would have gone home or a new home because at first he was trying to love nature but after all the trouble he went through I think we was ready to go back to civilization.
If I were Christopher McCandless, I do not think that my solution for my problems would be to go into the wilderness and not tell anyone about it. I would try seeking for help and talking to many people, because although we all go through these problems in life, there is always someone who can help