Circle three is where the thieves are located. Sinners were walking around in agony and crying out for help to relieve their pain. Nervously, we asked Alice why they were growing abnormally and she informed us that anything the sinners stole on Earth is developing inside their bodies, slowly increasing in size which will then disrupt the body’s organs until the body rejects the object and pushes it out. Scared to talk to the sinners in pain, we noticed Jack Jackson, Winona Ryder, Jesse James, Costa, and Odysseus. We left A.S.A.P. No way in Hell were we staying …show more content…
Circle five is the placement of “all the dirty, dirty liars of the world” as Taylor Swift sung about Hillary Clinton. We had an open appointment slot in our busy schedule to talk to Olive and figure out why she willingly ruined her reputation. She said she did it only to protect her best friend who was getting bullied at the time for being gay. On the other side of the circle was Abigail Williams, Lyndon Johnson, and Clytemnestra. Jordan pointed out to Patty that Hillary was in Hell, but is still alive on Earth. Alice butted in and mentioned that as soon as the sinners lie in real life, their souls come to Hell; on Earth, however, the person has no filter, which is why Hillary says so much cow-maneuver in her campaign.
Patty hears monkey noises and Jordan sees the evil, flying monkeys that scooped us all up and dropped us into circle six. Circle six was reckless. Tybalt gets stabbed by a sword compared to Adam Lanza who gets shot repeatedly. Medea has to wear the poisonous crown she gifted to the princess that was supposed to marry Jason. Kevin Tierney gets beat up to death, as he did to his wife. Osama Bin Laden was blown up. Not knowing what to say to any of the sinners, the three of us slowly slid past them. Alice offered us a drink and it shrunk us to fit through the door back to