nervous system, a collection of hundreds of billions of specialized and interconnected cells through which messages are sent between the brain and the rest of the body.…
What are the DESCRIPTIVE research methods? Please discuss some of the pro’s and con’s of EACH method.…
social trap: a situation in which the conflicting parties, by each rationally pursuing their self-…
Corporate Crime – the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf.…
Participants should be debriefed at the end of their participation (APA Standard 8.08 / BPS Ethical Principle 3.4)…
A brain scan reveals that Jane has sustained damage to Wernicke’s area due to a fall that resulted in her hitting her head. Which of the following symptoms is consistent with damage to this region of the brain?…
Full Text: Workplace violence appears to be on the rise, as indicated by the increasing reports in the media. In some cases, the events involve workers who have been reprimanded for their job performance, denied promotion, or been let go. Other instances arise from conflicts among co-workers. A prominent example is the OC Transpo Case in Ottawa where a worker was teased for stuttering and returned to the work site with a gun and killed four co-workers. There have also been situations where problems outside the workplace, such as a divorce or other forms of domestic or financial stress, result in violent acts at work. Perhaps the most disturbing incidents have been the high-profile shootings by disturbed students of teachers, staff, and other students at schools such as Columbine, Colorado. Generally, workplace threats fall into two specific categories - those where the intent is to intimidate and those where the intent is to actually carry out the violence. Bullies usually enact the first type. These are people that have had a great deal of success as children, and later as adults, in getting their way through threatening behaviour. They will usually back down when confronted. The second type is more dangerous because the perpetrator often does not make specific threats before taking action (although in most cases there are red flags that indicate the person is potentially violent). Definition of Workplace Violence * Behaviour that would be interpreted by a reasonable person as carrying potential for violence at the work site or against a worker *A substantial threat to harm a worker or endanger the safety or well-being of another employee *A substantial threat to destroy company property * Any act of physical assault * Abnormal behaviour that may cause emotional or physical distress to another worker Although the incidence of violent…
The perceived pitch of a sound is just the ear's response to frequency, i.e., for most practical purposes the pitch is just the frequency. (“Pitch,” n.d.) Humans perceive sound more or less the same depending on how good a person can hear. High frequencies are generally produced by smaller objects such as small instruments, objects or even small animals, eg. kittens. Low frequencies are generally produced by larger objects such as large objects, instruments, eg. bass drum, or even bigger animals such as the elephant. In a similar way, our brain perceives high frequencies as “happy”, “exciting” or “lively” noises. Lower frequencies are perceived as “dark”, “sad” or depressed noises. The human brain finds high frequency melodies more attractive or better to listen to. At the same time, too many high frequencies can cause one to be annoyed. The average fundamental frequency for a typical baby is about three hundred to four hundred Hertz.(Lewis & Reserved, n.d.) Humans naturally find those frequencies annoying so that they can hear a baby when it cries. A good melody consists of a harmonic sequence. In music theory, a harmonic sequence is a series of music notes which have different pitches. If a person hears a melody consisting of high and low frequencies the brain recognizes which frequency dominates the song which activates a chain reaction in which your brain releases certain hormones which causes a mood or emotion. Soothing tunes foster the release of serotonin, a hormone that fosters happiness and a general sense of well-being. It also flushes the body with dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel…
Recognizes that women differ in many ways including race, class, sexual orientation, body shape and size…
In this course, you will learn about the scientific study of cognitive processes. The focus will be on the research and theories that have been central to the field. Topics for the course include history, cognitive neuroscience, attention, sensation and perception, memory, language, computer models, decision making, problem solving, intelligence, and…
ii. Drive – An Internal State of Tension that Motivates an Organism to Engage in Activities that should Reduce this Tension.…
InThe first approach is cognitive. In cognitive psychology it looks at of human mental processes and what their part in considering, feeling and behaving. It also focuses on how humans process data and how that individual responds. Researchers in psychology begun to make correlations between a PC and a human mind since cognitive psychology started to become a dominate approach as the same time when computer science was taking off. In sleep and dreams cognitive approach looks at the role of thinking and memory processing. It also tells us that when we are asleep the mind is active and processes the information from the day that we have learned this is similar to a computer. (MCLEOAD,2015) There is the schema which is like a concept it helps us to compose informations. The schema impacts what we see and how we act or make decisions. When are dreaming about things that’s when our mind does not have anything to do this was according to Domhoff (2011). In cognitive approach it focuses on thought processes e.g. scripts and schema. So there might be a…
. He coined a latin phrase meaning ‘I think, therefore I am', described himself as a ‘thinking thing'.…
Stress tends to affect the brain in many ways, however, it is due to trauma at different stages in life that will presumably have different effects on the brain, for instance, it can lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. When my father was a child he saw an uncle of his killed by a Doberman Pincher, this caused him to become a victim of PTSD. The PTSD transformed the manner in which he reacts to Dobermans and all other types of dogs he comes in contact. As a child, my siblings and I were never allowed to have any sort of pet. It was as if it were a sin to come into contact with an animal. However, now that Abraham, who is the oldest of the boys in the family, married an animal fanatic they own; a horse, three miniature ponies, two dogs which…
Cognitive component consists of the knowledge and perception that are acquired by a combination of direct experience with the attitude object and related information from various sources.…