I have been a student at Decatur High School for three years now and plan on attending for my whole High School career. While at Decatur I have been involved in Associated Student Body, Leadership, Advancing Leadership Youth, Ignite, Girls Wrestling, Budget Committee, and Key Club.
I started Cowboy Action Shooting when I was 11 years old. Since then I have won titles and offered sponsorships with Cimarron Firearms, Badman’s Bullets, and Falcon …show more content…
Just about to start my Junior year, while two of my opponents started their senior year, and another their junior year as well. While people admired the Activities Coordinator Position, I aimed for a job as Secretary because I knew I enjoyed taking notes and did well in that region too. After winning a spot on the board, I already have learned so much. Getting notes sent on time, keeping them on file, communicating, expressing ideas, speaking up, and even more have become a necessity in my place on ASB. Together we plan to make the school a safer, more unified home for all of our Gators.
After being an ignite mentor in 7th grade and a lead executive mentor in 8th grade, I learned and led lessons that helped not only my mentees, but myself as well. Ignite was a huge confidence booster for me and taught me to form strong relationships with all around me and improved my communication skills while doing so. I am an Ignite mentor this year as well and try my best to help all my mentees exceed in all their classes. It is very important to start highschool off on the right track and I strive to teach this to my