In order to be able to attain a well-paying job is to attend college. The workforce is extremely competitive and without a degree it is hard to find a job that is not minimum wage. Having the opportunity to be able to attend the California State University of Northridge while pursuing my bachelor's degree is an honor. I never saw myself attending Northridge as I always had it in my mind that I would attend Cal Poly just like my sister did. Everything happens for a reason and I honestly believe that attending Northridge was the right choice that I made. Originally Northridge was not one of my choices, but my gut feeling told me to apply to this school in which I did. After going to …show more content…
After being frustrated for a long time, I decided it would be best to stop applying for scholarships at the time since a majority are given to people who are low income. I feel as if that was the reason why I stopped applying for scholarships. I had all the qualifications that scholarships were looking for, but I did not meet the criteria of being low income. Now seeing how beneficial scholarships really are, I am open to starting applying once again. If I am able to attain a scholarship it would not only help myself, but it would also help my parents as that is money they do not have to pay out of their own