K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module
EXPLORATORY COURSE Grades 7 and Grade 8
Page What is this Module About ? ..........................................................................................................2
How do you Use this Module .........................................................................................................3 LESSON 1 – Use and maintain kitchen tools and equipment ............................................. 5-31 LESSON 2 – Perform mensuration and calculations ......................................................... 32-51 LESSON 3 –Interpret kitchen lay-out .................................................................................. 52-61 LESSON 4 –Interpret Plans and Drawings ........................................................................ 62-72 LESSON 5 – Practice Occupational Safety and Health ...................................................... 73-98
ANSWER KEYS………………………….................……………………………………………....99
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................104
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education – Commercial Cooking
What Is This Module About?
Welcome to the world of Commercial Cooking! This Module is an exploratory course which leads you to Commercial Cooking National Certificate Level II ( NC II)1. It covers 4 common competencies that a Grade 7 / Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student like you ought to possess, namely: 1) Use use and maintain kitchen tools and equipment;
2) Perform mensuration and calculation; 3) Interpret kitchen layout, and 4) Practice occupational safety and health.
These 4 common competencies are covered separately in 5 Lessons . As shown below, each Lesson is