MBA-Communication and Coorporation (WS/MBA/12/13/00164)
Communication and Coorporation WS/MBA/12/13/00164
WS12/13 - Research Project The quest for leadership and organizational success requires the identification, reliance, application and implementation of effective leadership communication strategies, theories, models and tools in today’s workplace. For this research project assignment, you will act as an external or internal consultant for your organization (internal consultant) or for a client organization (external consultant). Your purpose will be to assist the organization (yours or that of the client) in identifying effective communication principles, theories, models, concepts and tools that are applicable and can be adopted for effective leadership communication processes within the chosen organization. Note: § Your chosen organization is having productivity and performance problems/issues as a result of lack of effective channels, tools, models and systems of communication within the organization. § Your research paper/project must have the following structure
A. Abstract (not more than 200 words) B. Introduction C. The body of the research paper/project (content, headings and subheadings, da-ta/information collected and analysis where necessary) D. Conclusion E. Reference page(s), APA Style. Students are required to use at least 10 sources. Adherence to citation standards (fully acknowledging the sources of all materials re-lied on in the preparation of the research paper within the text and full bibliography at the end of the paper) - students who do not adhere to this requirement could be guilty of plagiarism. When in doubt please refer to the guidelines on citations on the plat-form under Exams Office.
Communication and Coorporation |
Communication and
References: Communication and Coorporation WS/MBA/12/13/00164 BACKGROUND STUDY The Company Trinity Interactive Limited is a Ghanaian limited liability company, registered under the company registration code, 1963 Act (179) Communication and Coorporation WS/MBA/12/13/00164 Theoretical Framework The theoretical frameworks that have been chosen for this study are The Shannon-Weaver Model (1949)