Communication instills lots of trust in any relationships. It is difficult to know how someone feels if they refuse to communicate how they feel. Communication is based off of four main aspects: considering your partner’s point of view, don’t point blame, taking criticism gracefully and listening.
Taking into account your partner’s point of view in a relationship is a good step towards having a healthy relationship. Being one-sided in an argument or conflict will cause problems. If you are only one-sided, it gives your partner the idea that you are hiding something. One problem that arises is accusations being thrown around without knowing really what are true or not. Accusations then lead to trust issues because your partner will probably think that you are doing what they accused you of and therefore can’t trust you.
Pointing blame in an argument or any situation is a bad move in a relationship. Blaming the other person always makes them worse off even if it is your entire fault. Doing so will only make the situation at hand more complicated. If you can take the time to hear out their point of view, maybe a conclusion can come about to help resolve the problem on mutual terms. The other person will more likely listen if they are heard themselves. Pointing blame may to may cause past problems to resurface.
Typically when someone is criticizing you or your actions it is very easy to become defensive. Although criticism is hard to stomach at times, it is important to take what the other person has to say and improve on it. Take the criticism with an open mind, and leave all anger and bad feelings somewhere else. If you are able to take criticism easily, then you are more likely to come to a