• Identify some of the challenges/ issues you experienced or witnessed during your placement.
I encountered a few challenges in the initial stages of my placement. Firstly, I faced the challenge of finding a place/ institution suitable to my studies. Hence, I had to offer my service at the Hope Gardens. Here, I also experienced some challenges. I was allowed to offer my service only four (4) hours per day. While this may have been okay for some persons, I would prefer that students be allowed to complete as many hours as they would like per day as they would allow speedy completion. Secondly, I observed that students raked on a daily basis and were not circulated within the gardens regularly.
• To what extent do they reflect challenges prevalent in the wider Jamaican society?
In the wider Jamaican society, citizens whether qualified or not, face the challenge of finding a job. On average, Universities graduate at least two thousand (2000) graduates per year but only a percentage of this amount is employed within their qualification range. This issue forces other graduates to either settle for a job below their pay range or migrate which causes a brain drain in the country.
• What impact do you think these challenges will have on our ability to achieve the goals laid out in Vision 2030?
“Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business”, Vision 2030 Jamaica. Unemployment in Jamaica is a rising problem. This poses as a hurdle on the journey to achieving the goal. If there’s a lack of job opportunities then the other goals will present more challenges hence, impacting the Jamaican society in a negative way.
• What solution(s) did you employ for those you experienced or what possible solutions would you suggest to address the challenges you witnessed?
Currently, I am perusing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computing and I encountered the problem of not