now more than ever: community college by Daniel wister talks about a woman named Miranda who finds out that community collegeis better for her than a big university. the story begins off with Miranda going 1500 miles away from the city where she grew up and having the dream of being the frist person to graduate from her family and even bigger dreams of becoming a successful professional one day. in the articale it states that Miranda wasn't particularly comfortable with being so far away from home right after high school. she felt awkward living with a roommate ahe had never met and she became increasingly homesick. mrandas family did not have enogh money tofly her home during vaction .…
When I first arrived at high school, I was extremely nervous. The school was huge and there was not a familiar face in site. Although I was nervous, staff and students did their best to create a positive learning environment. Going into my sophomore year, I received the same positive energy from the staff and my peers. My guidance counselor, Ms. Hunter, helped me to prepare and offered me the opportunity to enroll in…
• eBook: • Downing, Skip. On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life. 6th Ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2011. • IMPORTANT: The textbook required for this class is offered as a rentable eBook from The On Course eBook includes features like highlighting, note taking, searching, printing, and mobile access. To purchase or rent the book: • A. Copy and paste the following URL in your web browser: • B. Make sure you are purchasing the eBook On Course (6th ed.) written by Skip Downing. • C. Add the digital eBook to your shopping cart and follow the purchase instructions. • D. If you have any questions related to the eBook go to the Cengage support page: • A planner or personal calendar in paper form • An ASU e-mail account and reliable internet access • A 3-ring binder (1-1-1/2”) for all your course materials…
It 's the rock bottom of a student 's educational career: The day a student drops out of high school. From there, the world may seem to go down in a spiral. Today, 16% of dropouts are unemployed and 32% live below the poverty line. Dropouts with jobs earn an average of only $12.75 per hour (Messacar 55). Students who do graduate from high school have an unemployment rate of only 7.6% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). While the graduation rate may be improving, there are still some out there who find it hard to adjust to the high school atmosphere after leaving their cozy little middle school. Sometimes, middle school poorly prepares their students for life in high school. Some students grow very stressed during their freshman year in high school which leads to a lower GPA. Freshman year is seen as the "make or break" year because the freshmen who fail their first year of high school will most likely drop out of high school altogether. To help these students, we can use solutions such as freshman academies, an interdisciplinary curriculum, and communication, which are a few yet effective solutions to ease a student 's transition to high school.…
My high school experience has leaded me to discover several academic strengths and interests, which now relate to my career choice for the future. My academic interest in financial literacy has made an impact on my academic strengths, which include: leadership, organization, communication, critical-thinking, and writing. Due to my interest in financial literacy, I want to pursue a career in business and real estate. This interest spiked during my junior year while I was recovering from knee surgery. After my procedure, I was expected to be absent from school for five days; however, due to a complication, I was forced to stay home for an unexpected, extended period of time. Before my surgery, I gathered all the homework that I anticipated missing.…
To believe in the strength and value of community colleges is to recognize that the community school is as vital and remains purposely driven today, as when they began more than one hundred years ago- before self-driving cars, smartboards, on-line courses, etc. These community based institutions fundamentally serve as a foundation and core to the planning and building of one’s unlimited educational possibilities.…
Today and in past years, many people come into high school with many different goals and expectations in mind. While over the course of theses four informative years goals may evolve into greater aspirations. One of the greatest aspirations all students should be imbued within the last year of their high school careers is the need to seek higher education in the form of college. In achieving this mighty objective students are taking the initiative in securing their futures, making connections, and slowly easing themselves into positions of greater responsibility.…
I am a graduate from Glen Oaks Community College and I would love to continue my education with Glen Oaks and their Nursing Program. I am a very athletic person, therefore in my free time my activities include running, playing sports, coaching and being involved with my family. Working two jobs, one being a Nursing Assistant and Unit Technician at The Community Health Center of Branch County and the other doing in home care for an elderly patient, does make it difficult to find free time. With what little free time I do have I enjoy spending it with my family as they are very important to me. I try to make it a routine to visit with my grandmas to have lunch with them and to drive them around where ever is needed due to the fact that they both cannot drive. I am currently training to run a marathon in May. During softball season, I volunteer with the coaching staff at the Coldwater High School. My greatest satisfaction so far in life, is the fact that I am one of few to have graduated from a college with a degree within my family. I am proud to say that I have paid for me education with my hard work. I hope with the help of Glen Oaks Community College I can obtain a new satisfaction of becoming a nurse. It would be my dream come true.…
When it comes to your junior year of high school the topic college starts to appear in your conversations more often. You start to think about what college you want to attend and then soon enough you start the application process. Some students have the grades and funds to venture off into the collages they want. On the other hand, there are some students who start their college experience at a community college because they don't have the grades or funds to venture off to their dream college. To some, community college is the way to go to get their grades up to par with their dream schools standers or until they have enough funds to attend their dream college. Community college, in some cases, may be a benefit to their students, but in…
Community college have frequently served student who weak academically skills prepared for college-level courses. Nevertheless, the policies and practices specific to remedial education, implemented by the colleges to help students reach college-preparedness, vary as much as the missions of community colleges (xxxxx). This article identifies the situation of remediation in community college, pinpointing the application of assessment/ placement for remedial courses. At the meantime, the researcher mentioned special areas that contracted remedial courses were provided in community college.…
The era’s dating back to 1636 have shaped the current contemporary structure of higher education. Throughout the years the landscape of higher education has evolved. The growing variety of higher education institutions, the array for curriculum changes and increase in the cost of education have created critiques and new proposals. The community college system grew during the 1970’s giving the opportunity for students to begin their studies by pursuing an associates degree or transferring to a 4-year university. One of the largest community college systems in the United States, the City University of New York (CUNY) consists of seven two-year colleges. The CUNY college…
I’d like to discuss two things in my additional essay (1) My undergraduate GPA and (2) A few gaps in my work experience. First and foremost, I want to talk a little about Bits Pilani and how Indian schools approach undergraduate education.…
When my parents first expressed to me that I needed to take advanced courses starting freshman year, I was skeptical. I desired an easy, laid-back experience in high school; however, my parents declared otherwise. I began freshman year with three honors classes, and the parental expectation to make at least ninety-five percent in all of my classes. At the time, I thought this to be too extreme, but little did I know that colleges look back on all grades…
Often times, community college students are depicted by the public and the media as “not smart enough” or “not capable.” For example, just recently I was at Barnes and Noble and as I was looking for a book the sales associate approached me. She asked me if I needed help then asked me what school I attended, when I told her that I go to Fullerton College her attitude changed. She asked me if I didn’t go to a four year university because of my grades, when I told her that, that wasn’t the reason she went on ranting that I need to do good in school and I shouldn’t be at a community college. It seems that the public look down on the students at community college.…
This study provides understanding of college readiness from the perspectives of older firstgeneration college students, transferred from community college. Results indicate life experiences contribute to academic skills, time management, goal focus, and self-advocacy. Research is recommended to improve nontraditional student advising and placement, community college-to-university transfer, and college reading instruction.…