The Confederacy, or south, consisted of elven states like, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, and a few others. The south’s president was Jefferson Davis. In a lot of areas, the south lacked what the north had. It had less people in general, and for war it lacked in people. On top of that, it declined in the agriculture and industrial departments. Most of the work that got done in the south was accomplished by the slave’s hard work. The Confederacy advocated slavery, and …show more content…
They would wear a dark blue wool shirt, which had four brass buttons. Their shorts made of wool helped them out during the winter, but in the summer it became irritating. The undershirts and underwear that they wore came from home, because the wool ones were too uncomfortable. The Union didn’t have ample amounts of cotton, since that was a product that came from the South. The pants that Union members wore were a shade of blue that was lighter than their tops, and they were worn with suspenders. Their shoes, known as brogans, came to the ankle, and gaiters were worn over the shoes, to keep the men’s legs dry. Union members wore a wool forage hat that had their symbol in a circle on the top, to tell who belonged to which