Change is a usual task in every organization in order to develop an organization itself or survive in the industry. Since the business world is changing rapidly these days, the management has to have the ability to handle the organization’s development properly by applying change theory models with an organizational strategy. Therefore, people in an organization can implement with change effectively. This paper will compare three broadly used change models: Lawin’s Change Management Model; Action Research; and Positive Model, to understand how to practically apply these change models with an organization’s development including strengths and weaknesses of each model.
Keywords. Change models, organization development, the comparison of change models,
Comparisons of Change Models
Positive Model
Positive Model is one of the broadly used change models. As the name of the model suggests, it obviously implies that this model has a positive way of thinking. The organization mainly visualizes the positive side and sets an ideal goal. However, the organization does not absolutely omit the negative side. It just emphasizes the positive side over the negative side.
Initially, the group of participants introduces what should improve in an organization, which does not have to be a problem. Next, a practitioner will analyze the strengths of the team or people who participate in the area, based on the goal report that they have achieved very well in the past, and list the strengths of the people in this area. According to these strengths, they will be used to set the ideal future that they want to achieve. Lastly, the organization will develop the implementation plan to achieve this ideal future (Ashton, 2010).
Strengths and Weaknesses of Positive Model. Basically, the organization can improve very well if the implementation plan is effective, since it was not based on an initial problem. The groups of participants just project the bright future of the