|[Your Company] | |[Competitor Name] |
|Solution details | |Solution details |
| | | |
|Our company offers the finest plastic cup that money can buy.| |Competitor offers one-time-use paper cups with a floral |
|Our product is a sturdy reusable plastic cup that we offer in| |design in a 6-oz. size only. |
|five colors and two sizes. Our colors are red, blue, green, | | |
|orange, | | |
|and yellow. Our sizes are 8 oz. and 16 oz. | | |
|Alignment | |Alignment |
| | | |
|Our primary focus is to provide high-quality | |Competitor focuses on bulk sales and works to create |
|plastic cups to this customer. Our cups will be | |long-term relationships with commercial entities. Competitor |
|an important reflection on the quality of the customer’s | |has a long history of working with the customer. |
|coffee drinks. | | |
|Strengths | |Strengths